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"Yellow Scarf" 24"x24"

Sale price$2,200.00

"Yellow Scarf" captures the delicate balance between the warmth of tones and the intriguing complexity of emotions. The yellow, reminiscent of sunlit fields and golden aspirations, symbolizes a sense of optimism and newfound courage. Its fiery strokes evoke a passionate spirit, suggesting that the subject stands at a crossroads of possibilities, ready to embark on new journeys with unwavering determination. Yet, her gaze lingers. Is it a gaze of an acknowledgment of hurdles overcome? Or does it hint at a moment of introspection before embracing what lies ahead? The answer is yours to unravel.

Oil on Linen, 24"x24" Framed in black solid wood (add .5 inch to all sides, 1.5 inch deep). An original, one-of-a-kind work which includes a signed certificate of authenticity.

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"Yellow Scarf"  24"x24"
"Yellow Scarf" 24"x24" Sale price$2,200.00